The Nomex Flight Gloves (Adventurer) is made out of 100% DuPont® Nomex® Material and is manufactured in accordance to Military Specifications (GS / FRP-2).
The Nomex Flight Gloves is flash, heat and fire resistant to up to 400 Degrees Celcius and exceeds USA Military Specifications for Thermal Protection.
The soft durable leather palm is made to withstand perspiration from its user.
Double stitching found on the gloves protects the gloves from splitting open easily from wear and tear
It is most commonly suited for Pilot, Armor and Jungle Warfare troops and can be used in a wide range of operations.
Comes in S (29 x 10cm) , M (30.2 x 10.5cm) and L ( 31.5 x 10.8cm) sizes.
- Wash with a mild soap in water not over 50 Degree Celcius
- Rinse and squeeze gently after washing
- Squeeze dry with a towel and hang it without any exposure to sunlight